Monday, June 1, 2009

Mary Balogh: A Counterfeit Betrothal

A Counterfeit Betrothal was published by Signet in June 1992 and is another hard to find book by Mary Balogh. Allan Kass paints a beautiful cover with our couple outside in a garden. Our heroine looks as if she has been cutting daffodils for an arrangement. Note the flowers all around her and the beautiful periwinkle color of her dress. The hero gazes up at her in a friendly manner. It's a simple, but very colorful and serene setting.

Lady Sophia isn't interested in marrying but she is trying to bring her separated parents back together again. She plots with Lord Francis to enter a pretend engagement in order to accomplish this task!

Divorce was rare during regency times and very hard and costly to get. Couples who didn't get along many times separated and lived apart until they reconciled or one died. In a time where a lot of marriages were arranged, it's amazing that many marriages stayed together!

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