Monday, February 22, 2010

Jane Converse: The Party Nurses

The Party Nurses was published by Signet for Jane Converse in July 1974. This story is about Martha Leland, who followed Dr. Tony Glover to California, but finds herself in a small town that caters to singles and parties. He is opposed to this free-wheeling lifestyle and then something happens that could shatter her dream of Tony and her career! Allan Kass shows our couple outside with the party background of pool, party, and palm trees! Our heroine is pretty in her nurse outfit and our hero wears a tan jacket. I like that Allan used purple to illuminate the sky, pool water, and empathize our couple while also drawing our eye to the small umbrellas and light in the building behind. This book retailed for 95 cents and I can see someone picking it up in a grocery store to have an afternoon read! Enjoy!

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