Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sandra Heath: Mannerby's Lady

Mannerby's Lady, by Sandra Heath, was published by Signet in June 1977. Sarah Jane Stratford lived at Mannerby, but was essentially a prisoner of her father because she wouldn't marry the man he had chosen for her. She was in love with Jack Holland, but it was Paul Ransome who seemed to understand her best.

Allan Kass's illustration is typical of his earlier work: great detail and realistic individuals. This cover is no exception with our hero sitting on the arm of the chair while the heroine stands nearby. Note that their proportions are true. Also note the detail of the Chinese fireguard, the marble topped table, and the chair. Allan's work was always above and beyond most romance illustrators of this time.

1 comment:

  1. I thoroughly enjoy your site, pls keep posting the scans and the synopses!
